VSU-LGU Collaboration Takes Bold Steps to Preserve Culalapnitan Watershed

by | Dec 21, 2023 | News | 0 comments

A specialized team from Visayas State University (VSU) led by Mr. Marlito Bande conducted a rapid assessment at Sagkaray Eco-Park and Culalapnitan Watershed on December 18, 2023. The primary objective of this partnership is to prevent water scarcity, a looming challenge that communities often face, particularly during the dry season.

The team utilized rainforestation technology, performing soil analysis, identifying local flora and fauna, and drone-mapping the Culalapnitan watershed. The data collected will guide targeted rehabilitation efforts. This partnership underscores LGU-Quinapondan’s commitment to sustainable development and environmental conservation. As findings are integrated into the rehabilitation plan, this collaboration stands as a model for addressing environmental challenges and ensuring a resilient future.

The technical team, armed with cutting-edge rainforestation technology, delved into a comprehensive soil analysis to gain insights into the health and composition of the land. Simultaneously, they meticulously identified the diverse flora and fauna thriving in the target areas, contributing valuable data to inform future conservation efforts. As the technical team’s findings and recommendations are integrated into the broader rehabilitation plan, the VSU and LGU-Quinapondan collaboration serves as a beacon of hope, showcasing the positive impact that research and technology can have on safeguarding our environment and ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.